Over the Rainbow

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Wow. Who Knew?

what would have happened if you were never born?

You are the greatest gift that our earth ever had.you will find a way to end all wars and you have kept some people close to you from a depression. you are the new messias
Take this quiz!

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Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

Hey! does that mean I'm the Blessed Mother?????????? Won't Callie be pleased :)

1:07 PM  
Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

Holy Mary, mother of God!

1:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well, let's start with the obvious. Whoever wrote that quiz has the spelling ability of a snail. Here's mine, direct from the source: "if you wernt born the whole population of the world would be whiped out. you dont know this but you have a genetic mutation . in 2086 a terrible decise will kill everybody except the ofspring of you, they have the genetic mutation to protect them. if you weren't born only one bloodline would habve survived and wouldnt be able to carry on because incentues childs have handicaps.whitout your new blood humanity is doomed"
I suppose my mutation is that I can't breathe. So when the aliens come, my descendents will be safe(come on, who saw "Signs"?). But I don't know if I trust someone who spells disease "decise".

2:47 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wow, I just figured out that "incentues" means "incestuous". Took a while for me to make that leap.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Wow. That's some result.... And I was tempted not to even take the quiz, due to the bad spelling, but I'm pretty amused by my outcome.

12:08 PM  

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