Over the Rainbow

Other Blogs: Mom Dad Ann Marie

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy St. Pat's!

Becky and I went out to Pure, a club we'd gone to once before about a year ago. I'm too tired to give a full run-down, but here are the highlights:

-I got many comments on my skirt, all from men (one was a transvestite...another came over to say his boyfriend wanted to know where I'd gotten it).
-There was a really hot woman wearing at tie and a cool guy who was twirling scarves around over his head.
-Becky got picked up by a probably-35-year-old Chilean man, who was nice, but not really in the right age range.
-I slapped a guy hard across the face when he continued to put his hands on me after I clearly did not want that from him (he was definitely on drugs).

Huzzah for clubs. Now I'm going to sleep, and hope that my pillow doesn't smell like cigarettes tomorrow.


Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

What skirt did you wear that was obviously so attractive?

3:53 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I gotta get me a skirt like that.

6:04 AM  
Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

It's bright turquoise blue with silver and gold sequins all over it, in this sort of snaky/curly line pattern.... Apparently it's the best skirt ever.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Rachel (a-big-apple) said...

Whoops, that last comment was me, posting on mom's comp!

11:49 AM  
Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

...and it was only $2.00 during Fashion Bug's close-out sale! Who knew?

8:00 PM  

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