Over the Rainbow

Other Blogs: Mom Dad Ann Marie

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Welcome, traveler, to my blog. I was thinking about how easy and addictive it is to keep track of my friends' lives through blog-reading, and was hit with a flash of inspiration: why not do the same with my family?

So, here's my family blog. It might be boring, but then again, it might not. Sometimes I think my life is very fascinating. ;) Feel free to leave comments, especially if you too have a blog that I can link to mine, and widen the family gossip chain.

To begin: today is dull and gray and rainy here, and everyone in the office where I'm currently working (I'm a temp on a 2-week assignment) is either airheaded, pompous or micromanaging. Only the hot chocolate and the promise of $500-a-week paychecks keep me going. On a happier note, I have become addicted to the tv show Lost, and last night's episode was odd and thrilling. Also, I received an email (after over three weeks, I think!) from a woman who requested a commission through my website; she wants me to fix up her design for a t-shirt for her organization. So, in theory, there's some money coming my way, once I figure out how much to charge her for my time. Money coming my way is always a good thing.

That's all for now.... I hope that this idea of mine takes off, and that I will soon be reading about the daily lives of many family members. ;)


Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

yay! I was so sad when the family website Daddy set up didn't take off. I set up my blog, but where do I go from here? :0

11:06 AM  
Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

oh my God Rach! I have my own blog!!!

11:54 AM  

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