Over the Rainbow

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Time for an Update

I realized it's been a little while since I wrote anything of substance, so here I am. Today is "interview day" at my new job--I'm working in the admin office for the Physician Assistant program at Philadelphia University, and they're interviewing some potential students for next year. Because of the timing of the interviews, my boss asked me to come in at 8 instead of 9.... So here I am, after leaving the house before it was really even light. I get to go home at 4, though, which is really nice. I can take a nap until Becky gets home, if I want, or maybe start cooking dinner....
Also, no letter from NYU yet. After speaking to many voicemail machines in different offices, I finally spoke to an actual, congenial man who told me that the decision on my application was only just made and forwarded to the admissions office this past Friday, so I should be getting my letter in the mail by the end of the week. Of course, he wasn't allowed to tell me over the phone what the decision actually was...so I'm stuck waiting! But I'll update as soon as there's news.
On another topic altogether, Becky and I have finally started to catch up on episodes of Lost that we've missed; we watched two last night and taped the one that was actually shown, so that we can watch that one tonight, and be back on track by next week. It's getting so exciting! Also kind of arbitrary! But I'm still fascinated by it, and I can't wait to find out what the heck is going on. Also, I'm a little sad about Henry Gale, I was just getting to enjoy him, even though he's pretty strange.
I think that's all the updates I have, for right now.... This weekend I'm hoping to make a decision about grad school, finalize my plans for Mexico and get my ticket, and spend the day Saturday cleaning my room. And of course coming home for dinner on Sunday. ;)


Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

I can't wait till we are all here together again! YAY for Palm Sunday!

1:08 PM  
Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

wait till you see the most recent episode...

1:11 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Lost was awesome last night...after you watch it, email me, because there are a few little tidbits I have...

2:37 PM  
Blogger daubmir said...

un emplacement d'amusement!
You seem to be having the right sort of fun: any space for poetry...?

6:38 AM  

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