Over the Rainbow

Other Blogs: Mom Dad Ann Marie

Monday, September 24, 2007


I've made several exciting Ninja Turtles fandom discoveries today! It's been highly satisfying.

I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me sooner, but I finally decided to Google my favorite TMNT comic artists. My first favorite, Chris Allan, has a web journal that I happily discovered and devoured: http://www.ak-studios.com/chris.php

After reading it all, I discovered that he lives somewhere near home in PA, because he kept referencing all these places that are close to home. That was a thrill, and I sent him a rambling, fan-girlish email. We'll see if he responds. :) Here's some of his work...I tried to find my favorite covers and panels of the ones that I could easily get digitally:

Anyway, he's great.

The second discovery was quite a revelation for me. The fox-woman in one of the covers I posted above actually appeared in a totally separate comic, continuing her adventures after leaving the TMNT storyline. I'm working on trying to find those couple of issues on Ebay, because, of course, I have to have them. She's one of my favorite characters. Check it out:

The third discovery was a direct result of my unexpected success in Googling Chris Allan - I Googled another TMNT fave artist, Michael Dooney, and found his website full of exciting things: http://www.michaeldooney.com/

Back before I had any idea that as an adult, I was going to try to accumulate every comic at all TMNT related, I picked up this book in a store:

I totally fell in love with the stories in it, and with Dooney's style. Then, when perusing his website, I found a few fun gems, and also realized that he's done some of the designs for the recent TMNT cartoon revival! Here's a little sample.

I'm just chock-full of images tonight. And now that I'm thinking about it, I'm pretty sure that Dooney did the covers for this cute little TMNT fan magazine that I subscribed to as a kid....I'd have to look at them again to be sure, though.

Anyway... I'm sure most of that is only interesting to Mom, because she probably remembers these two guys' art...but it's my party, and I'll blog what I want to. Cowabunga!


Blogger Kath-o-lil said...

TOTALLY AWESOME! I LOVE these guys and had soooooooooo much fun at their sites!! I'm going back tomorrow!!!

8:10 PM  

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